our mission

Providing resources and community for sacred activists


Outer Work


Inner Work


Join our community membership


"Lorem dolor sit consetetur."

Mary Fox

"Eos nibh populo delicata."

Kevin Wels

"Id eam facete neglegentur"

Anna Cooper
Your membership

Join our Community to Access...

Put Love into

“When the fire of the mystic’s passion for God and the Activist’s passion for God meet, a new fire will be born” -Andrew Harvey

Community Network & Resources

We offer regular meeting and discussion groups for mystic-activists, and a membership network area where you can feature your work and connect with other movements. We aim to facilitate the growth of a strong network of activist-mystics around the world who nourish, inspire, and support each other.

Courses & Trainings

We offer live courses and trainings to community members. Courses focus on the Inner Work of grounded spiritual practice and the Outer Work of activism. We aim to support community members in having the tools to transform the conditions of life in their communities. 

Action & Movement Building

Through highlighting current movements, providing a platform for members to network with one another, and offering support to burgeoning movements, we aim to facilitate the rising of Love in Action around the world. Those who have skills to offer will find a movement to support. Those currently running campaigns will find those who wish to support them.

Wisdom & Inspiration

Through the use of online and print media, we aim to amplify the wisdom of global elders who can assist us in navigating the global crisis and transforming the conditions of life on earth. We offer wisdom that speaks both to the inner, mystical work and the outer, social-justice work of this transformation.

our team

Meet Our Volunteers

Theresa Moore


Mary Smith


Kevin Wels


Mary Fox


Ron Bradley


Ellie Holmes


Jeanis Green


Mark Hagne


Get involved and find out how you can help your local community

clean-up missions
animals were saved

Key to a More Eco-friendly
World in 2022

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Foundation and events

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Charity projects

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Raise awareness and funds
for the right causes

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